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Tournament & Event Listing Form

**Note: Please do a search before you submit your event. Many events were researched and added before launch of this service!

Select each day your tournament will take place.

Enter the registration deadline for this event.

Select the sport this event is for.

Select the type of teams that you are allowing to participate in your tournament, either "AAU", "School" etc...

        If the tournament is a school team, town team, AAU team, Club team, or travel team type of event that segregates competition by school grade, enter each grade level you are allowing to enter in the event.

Select the gender for the tournament.

Select the appropriate division or talent levels that should participate in this tournament.

Select the number of games that a team is guaranteed to play in the tournament.


Enter the cost in US dollars of the entry fee to play in the tournament without the dollar sign and cents.

Don't use all capitals or all lower case.

Upload an event logo or advertisement for your details page. Maximum width is 145px max height is 500px

State where the event will take place.

One base city only where the event will take place, not a facility.

Enter the name of the hosting club, if any.

Only include if AAU sanctioned

Select "Yes" if this is an NCAA Certified Event. To get more information please visit the NCAA Certified Basketball Events page.

You must include first and last name of one person

e.g. 10 Main Street, Ardsley, NY 10502

e.g. johndoe@domain.com this must be a valid email address

e.g xxx-xxx-xxxx


Do not enter "http://" prefix